Authored by
Peter Fotis Kapnistos
April, 2015 - August, 2018
Cold War II Revision (Trump–Putin Summit) © August, 2018
If you don't want to dig
through a wealth of details, but wish for a simple picture beyond what you've
been told in history class,
Mind of Ali Tara (2019), by the same author is
a quick view of "Hitler's Doubles" with a chronology of shadow governments and
crisis actors.
the Entire Audio Book
was fascinating... You seem to have found something important!"
(John Kiriakou, former CIA officer and anti-torture
whistleblower, author of "Doing
Time Like A Spy.")
"An entire Grand Unified
Conspiracy Theory of the Third Reich... This book covers it all."
(Christian Ankerstjerne,
Forum Staff,
Axis History.)
That is one heck of a book... Your book lends proof that Adolf Hitler did not
kill himself in the Bunker nor did Eva..."
(Harry Cooper, author of "Hitler
in Argentina.")
"Wow. Your book just overwhelmed me and caught me by surprise as to what it got
into. I wasn't expecting that... You've done a tremendous amount of research
here to document a unique aspect of World War II history... This book will blow
your mind and give you a more in-depth perspective of various historical
(David Allen Rivera, author of "Final
Warning: A History of the New World Order.")
"Excellent reference
book." (A Verified UK Purchase Customer Review.)
"Four Stars. It's very
interesting." (A Verified USA Purchase Customer
"[The author] offers a
summary at the end about each double. The information regarding the doubles is
very good." (A Verified USA Purchase Customer
"Excellent book. Comes highly recommended to all who want a good review of World
War Two and earlier history of the war as well as other pertinent aspects that
revolve around Doppelgangers as they are called."
(From Katsi Duzynski, a reader of over 100 pages in a single sitting.)
"I cannot stop but
coming back to it in my mind when going through my daily life. It comes back to
me - what is going on there? It's such a great book..."
(From Dana Wanapskana, a reader.)
Press Releases:
Cum au murit cei mai odioşi dictatori ai umanităţii. Unul sa sinucis
în ... Adevărul-Oct 9, 2017 Dar un alt martor preciza că a observat
trupul lui Hitler izolat într-un colţ al camerei pe un scaun”,
preciza Peter Fotis Kapnistos în ”Hitler's ... |
Walt Disney under Andra världskriget |
8 maj 2018 - I Peter Fotis Kapnistos bok, Hitler's Doubles, citeras
den kända Disneyanimatören Art Babbitt. Han jobbade nära Walt Disney
och hävdade en ... |
"I think
this author has something worthwhile to say."
(A Verified UK Purchase Customer Review.)
"I think you
wrote a very interesting book and appreciate the time and research
you have dedicated to writing the book." (forums
- on
Black & White on White paper 572 pages
"It's kind of a fun book because it's so overwhelming, and you just
don't know where the author is going to go next. It is hard to put
down because of that... For all the research I've done, I
found plenty of gems here that I did not know."
(Author David Rivera)
Hitler's Doubles: Fully-Illustrated
Was the brutal dictator of the 20th century the masked instrument of a
double image delusion? Recently released war records reveal “political
decoys” (doppelgangers or body-doubles). It is documented that the Nazi
Fuhrer vetted at least four doubles. Look-alikes and crisis actors were used
to impersonate Hitler in order to draw attention away from him and to deal
with risks on his behalf. “Hitler’s Doubles” details their names, their
peacetime occupations, their deaths, and an escape to South America. The
world’s first donor artificial insemination was with the wife of a Quaker in
the late 1800s. Who was the top-secret paternal donor? Was the Quaker-son
secret agent Aleister Crowley one of Adolf Hitler’s doubles? Why did Walt
Disney make use of Nazi scientists to build space technology after he
visited South America? Thanks to author Fritz Springmeier & biographer
William Cross who advised an update. “Hitler’s Doubles” includes
much more information than its enigmatic title implies. This document is
presented as a series of news articles in book form. Some material is
repeated or revised. Many photos date back to pre-war times. (Italic text
depicts a
what-if scenario analysis of Hitler’s Doubles, and is available as a
short book titled
Mind of Ali Tara by the same author.)
History / Military / World War II
The Cold War II Revision: Trump–Putin Summit [2018]
is a reworked and updated account of the original 2015 “Hitler’s Doubles”
with an improved Index. Ascertaining that Hitler made use of political
decoys, the chronological order of this book shows how a Shadow Government
of crisis actors and fake outcomes operated through the years following
Hitler’s death –– until our time, together with pop culture memes such as
“Wunderwaffe” climate change weapons, Brexit Britain, and Trump’s America.
and the West entered a new Cold War. From Syria to Ukraine, to hacking
accusations, friction between Russia and NATO mounted. U.S. President
Barack Obama paid a visit to Greece in 2016, just as the Archbishop of
Canterbury said that the EU had created the “biggest debtor’s prison in
European history.” Real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump was elected 45th
president of the United States in a hardline challenge that proved the
polls, the pundits and the data wrong. If elected, Hillary Clinton would
have become the first female President of the United States. She got
more popular votes, but Trump defeated her in the November 8, 2016
Electoral voting.
circulated that the Nazi Fuhrer had escaped to South America. He was
expected to be at the heart of a gathering of fugitive German
scientists. But when a charismatic showman at last emerged from
Argentina with a lineup of Nazi scientists and engineers, people during
the McCarthy Era were afraid to voice the unthinkable. Walt Disney was a
Nazi enthusiast and a Freemason. After the war he put himself in a
commanding position that even the Fuhrer would have envied. Nazi
scientists began to hang out with Walt Disney. They stood up when he
entered the room. |
Hitler's Doubles covers modern world history events from WWII until
today: The assassination of JFK, the Watergate scandal, the Iran
hostage crisis, the Iran-Contra affair, the collapse of the Soviet
Union, the attacks of 9/11, the appearance of the Islamic State...
with their cloaked backing of ex-Nazi interests. |
first human donor inseminated woman was the “Quaker wife” of a wealthy
merchant. “The surgeon in charge of the case went to his grave with his
secret," but when the merchant’s son was 25 years old he was visited by
another doctor of the medical team. |
was discovered that Hitler's wife Eva Braun had Ashkenazi (German
Jewish) ancestry. Hitler wanted to "break the spirit" of Ashkenazic Jews
by saying they were germanisch Aryans, not of the Middle East, and set
them against Russian Bolshevik Jews. |
Bond author Ian Fleming enlisted the aid of Aleister Crowley to "lure"
Rudolf Hess to fly to Scotland. Within the British peace party that Hess
had come to meet were members of the Royal Family itself. |
Ford financed the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Rockefeller's Standard Oil
cartel paid the salaries of Auschwitz guards. IBM developed punch card
computers for the Holocaust. Members of the Bush family were Hitler's US
bankers. |
psychiatrists said that the Nazi Fuhrer would most likely commit
suicide. But the Fuhrer’s own bodyguards escaped from the Berlin
Fuhrerbunker. His suicide possibly took place at a later time, perhaps
in connection with “die Glocke,” the Nazi Bell. |
Greek government said Germany owed Greece billions in war reparations
for the Nazi occupation during World War Two. Germany called the Greek
claim “stupid,” and continued to push for severity. |
accounts of lampshades made from human skin being discovered at Nazi
concentration camps were common. Ilse Koch, wife of the commandant at
Buchenwald, was nicknamed “The Lady of the Lampshade.” In 2007,
examiners of one such lampshade found a 100 per cent probability that
the profile was human. |
Dietrich was the world’s highest-paid film star. She also sought an
opportunity to kill Hitler. “Realizing she would be searched, she was
prepared to go into Hitler’s bedroom naked if necessary, but the only
detail she could not resolve was how to smuggle in a murder weapon." |
to the Washington Post, the U.S. Office of Censorship intercepted a
letter in July 1945 written from someone in Washington. Addressed to a
Chicago newspaper, the letter claimed that Hitler was living in a
German-owned hacienda 450 miles from Buenos Aires. “The U.S. government
gave this report enough credibility to act on it.” |
About the author:
Peter Fotis Kapnistos (b. 1951 in Athens) is a Greek American journalist,
editor, and publisher residing in the Eastern Mediterranean islands. After a
while in fashion and advertising photography (Christa Talents, Studio
Mavrogenis, Models Center, Toth, Brown & Co., Grigoris Asteriadis, Agencé),
Peter was editor for the “Athens News,” Greece’s oldest English-language
newspaper (senior editor, Richard James). With the Associated Press and
Apple, Peter edited (George Kriklanis’) “Greece Today,” one of the first
English-language desktop published papers in the Near East. He translated
for Greek Forum, Times in Kolonaki, and (with George Kouvakas) published the
Aegean weekly. Peter helped introduce the Internet in the east Aegean
islands ( by setting up Internet cafes (with Peter Tsantes). He
was photographer for (Dimitris Chasekidis’) Image Design Centre wax museum
in Athens. The art collector Alexander Iolas visited one of Peter’s group
photo gallery exhibits. Peter worked under Spyridon Marinatos, the
archaeologist who excavated Akrotiri on the isle of Thera (Santorini). With
photojournalist Dimis Argyropoulos, Peter was the assistant of Spiros
Tsavdaroglou, an administrative photographer for the National Archaeological
Museum of Greece. They photographed Minoan and Mycenaean sites and artifacts
for Professor Marinatos, who was one of the foremost archaeologists of the
20th century (he is mentioned in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis).
Peter also assisted the team that photographed the tomb of Philip II of
Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, discovered in the 1980s by the
archaeologist Manolis Andronicus.
Extracts of this report (from Peter’s
BlackRaiser website) were referred to in A.J. Hartley’s “The Mask of Atreus”
(2006). New York Times bestselling novelist A.J. Hartley is a distinguished
professor of Shakespeare at UNC Charlotte. The thriller focuses on Greek
myths, artifacts and Nazis. BlackRaiser was backlinked by Robin Falkov's
Rumor Mill News in addition to the websites of Alex Jones, David Icke, and
Jeff Rense. Peter was in a web radio interview with Vyzygoth on “Beyond the
Grassy Knoll.” Carolyn Rose Goyda (“Starfire Wolflair”) interviewed Peter
Fotis Kapnistos on Art Bell’s “Dark Matter” radio network. A 2007 satire
sketch by Peter Fotis Kapnistos was published on the “World News” (
website. Articles by Peter Fotis Kapnistos were backlinked in 2008 as
recommended reading by Cosmic Ancestry ( Cosmic Ancestry is
published by The Astrobiology Research Trust and overseen by Brig Klyce and
James Lovelock (Gaia theory).
the Entire Audio Book

Mind of Ali Tara (2019), by the same author is
a quick view of "Hitler's Doubles"
with a chronology of shadow governments and crisis actors.
Peter Fotis Kapnistos is a Greek American
journalist, editor and publisher residing in the Eastern Mediterranean
What others are saying about Peter Fotis Kapnistos…
"Strange… and interesting — very much so." (Rich
Reynolds - RRRGroup)
"Well done!" (Uri Geller)
"As usual, Kapnistos puts a different spin on things." (The
"This is one of the most interesting things I have read for quite some
time." (forums - on
"I find to be an interesting take and raise fairly good questions to the
subject." (forums - on
"The heaviest article in quite some time - heavy 5 min science read that
will leave your head spinning. The reason you come here." (AnomalyMan
Hitler's Doubles
print version
available from
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2015 - 2024